, pub-8786015629279405, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Java Programs

Java Programs

List of Program for Polytechnic Students
  1. WAP to Print "Hello Java" in Java.
  2. WAP to add two Numbers in Java.
  3. WAP to Calculate Simple Interest in Java.
  4. WAP to Check Number is Even Odd in Java.
  5. WAP to Find greatest Number Between the Three Value in Java.
  6. WAP to Calculate Factorial in Java.
  7. Write a Program to Create a Constructor in Java
  8. Write a Program to Implement Method Overloading in Java
  9. Write a Program to Implement to Single Inheritance in Java
  10. Write a Program to Implement Multilevel Inheritance in Java
  11. Write a Program to Implement Hierarchical Inheritance in Java
  12. Write a Program to Implement Interface in Java

List of Program Based on OOPS (Object Oriented Programming Structure) Concept
  1. Write a Program to Implement Abstract Class in Java
  2. Write a Program to Implement Compile Time Polymorphism in Java
  3. Write a Program to Implement Run Time Polymorphism  in Java
  4. Write a Program to Implement method Overloading in Java
  5. Write a Program to Implement Method Overriding in Java
  6. Write a Program to Implement Method Overloading with different data type in Java
  7. Write a Program to Implement to Single Inheritance in Java
  8. Write a Program to Implement Multilevel Inheritance in Java
  9. Write a Program to Implement Hierarchical Inheritance in Java
  10. Write a Program to Implement Encapsulation in Java
  11. Write a Program to Implement Interface in Java
  12. Write a Program to Implement Multiple Inheritance in Java 

Math-Function Related Java Programs
  1. Write a program to illustration of different Mathematical Functions.
  2. Write a program to illustrate Trigonometrical function.
  3. Write a program to find the sum, difference and product of two numbers.
  4. Write a program to find the area, perimeter and diagonal of a rectangle.
  5. Write a program to find the difference between Simple Interest and Compound Interest when Principal, Rate and Time are given.
  6. Write a program to accept the marks of a student in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Display the total marks and average marks.
  7. Write a program in Java to calculate the discount, if a customer purchases a Laptop and a Printer.
  8. Write a program in java to accept the number of days and display the result after converting into number of years, number of months and the remaining number of day.
  9. Write a program to accept perpendicular and base of a right angled triangle. Calculate and display hypotenuse, area and perimeter of the triangle.
  10. Write a class with the name Trigonometry and its basic data members to calculate the value of the given expression : Tan(A-B)=Tan A -Tan B/1+Tan A*Tan B

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