, pub-8786015629279405, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Picture Composition on Patient

Picture Composition on Patient



Doctor Patient

One of my friends had been operated for appendicitis. I went to the hospital to enquire after him. He was yet in the Intensive Care Unit. Visitors were not allowed in the Unit. I met the doctor. He told me that the operation had been done successfully. But the fear of infection was there. So a lot of care had to be taken. The doctor advised us not to disturb the patient. It was no doubt, a very sound advice. I thanked him and came back. A visit to a hospital always makes one sad. There is so much pain and suffering to see.


A hospital is a house of misery. Yesterday, I visited the Government hospital of our city. My friend had been admitted there. He was undergoing treatment for jaundice. I went to see him in the general ward. I found misery everywhere. Some patients were in a serious condition. They were crying with pain. The doctors and nurses were looking after them. Some patients had been there for a long time. They were suffering from serious diseases but now they were recovering gradually. Just then a man was brought into that hospital. He was a patient of heart disease. After some time, another patient was brought in. He was taken to the emergency ward. He had met with an accident and was seriously wounded. After a few minutes loud sound of weeping came from the next ward. I Servant there and found that a patient had died. His family members were weeping loudly. That scene filled me with sadness. I came away from there with a heavy heart.

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