, pub-8786015629279405, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 C Programming MCQ Question with Answers- Keyword , Data Type and Storage Quiz-4

C Programming MCQ Question with Answers- Keyword , Data Type and Storage Quiz-4


1) What is a C Storage Class.?

A) C Storage decides where to or which memory store the variable.

B) C Storage Class decides what is the default value of a variable.

C) C Storage Class decides what is the Scope and Life of a variable.

D) All the above.



2) Every C Variable must have.?

A) Type
B) Storage Class
C) Both Type and Storage Class
D) Either Type or Storage Class

Yes. A C Variable should have both Type and Storage Class.


int a=5; //By default its Storage Class is auto.
auto int b=10;

3) Find a C Storage Class below.

A) static
B) auto
C) register & extern
D) All the above


4) What is the default C Storage Class for a variable.?

A) static
B) auto
C) register
D) extern


5) Choose a right answer.

A) auto variable is stored in 'Memory'.
static variable is stored in 'Memory'.
extern variable is stored in 'Memory'.
register variable is stored in 'Memory'. 
B) auto variable is stored in 'Memory'.
static variable is stored in 'Memory'.
extern variable is stored in 'Memory'.
register variable is stored in 'Register'. 
C) auto variable is stored in 'Register'.
static variable is stored in 'Register'.
extern variable is stored in 'Register'.
register variable is stored in 'Memory'. 
D) auto variable is stored in 'Register'.
static variable is stored in 'Register'.
extern variable is stored in 'Register'.
register variable is stored in 'Register'.


6) A register variable is stored in a Register. Where does a Register Present in a Computer.?

A) RAM ( Random Access Memory )
B) ROM ( Read Only Memory )
C) CPU (Central Processing Unit )
D) DMA ( Direct Memory Access )


7) Variables of type auto, static and extern are all stored in .?

D) Compiler


8) Find a right answer.

A) Default value of auto variable = Garbage Value
Default value of static = Garbage Value
Default value of extern = Garbage Value
Default value of register = Garbage Value 
B) Default value of auto variable = zero
Default value of static = zero
Default value of extern = zero
Default value of register = zero 
C) Default value of auto variable = Garbage
Default value of static = zero
Default value of extern = zero
Default value of register = Garbage 
D) Default value of auto variable = zero
Default value of static = Garbage
Default value of extern = Garbage
Default value of register = zero


9) Find a correct statement.

A) Scope of auto variable = local to block or function
Scope of register variable = local to block or function
Scope of static variable = local to block or function
Scope of extern variable = global or available to all functions and blocks 
B) Scope of auto variable = global or available to all functions and blocks
Scope of register variable = global or available to all functions and blocks
Scope of static variable = global or available to all functions and blocks
Scope of extern variable = local to block or function 
C) Scope of auto variable = global or available to all functions and blocks
Scope of register variable =  local to block or function
Scope of static variable = global or available to all functions and blocks
Scope of extern variable = local to block or function 
D) Scope of auto variable = local to block or function
Scope of register variable = global or available to all functions and blocks
Scope of static variable = local to block or function
Scope of extern variable = global or available to all functions and blocks

10) Choose a correct statement.

A) Life of an auto variable = persists between function calls
Life of an register variable = with in the block or function
Life of an static variable = persists between function calls
Life of an extern variable = until program ends

B) Life of an auto variable = persists between function calls
Life of an register variable = until program ends
Life of an static variable = persists between function calls
Life of an extern variable = with in the block or function

C) Life of an auto variable = until program ends
Life of an register variable = until program ends
Life of an static variable = until program ends
Life of an extern variable = until program ends

D) Life of an auto variable = with in the block or function
Life of an register variable = with in the block or function
Life of an static variable = persists between function calls
Life of an extern variable = until program ends


11) Which among the following is a Local Variable.?

A) register
B) auto
C) static
D) extern


12) Which among the following is a Global Variable.?

A) auto
B) register
C) static 
D) extern


13) Choose a correct statement about static variable.

A) A static global variable can be accessed in other files.
B) A static global variable can be used only in a file in which it is declared.
C) A static global variable can not be declared without extern keyword.
D) Default value of a static variable is -1.


14) register float a = 3.14f;

Choose right statement.

A) Variable a is stored in CPU registers for fast access.
B) Variable a is converted to int and then stored in a CPU register.
C) register Storage Class is ignored and treated as
auto float a = 3.14f;
D) You get a compiler error as you can not store non integer value in a CPU register.


15) What is the difference between Declaration and Definition.?

A) Declaration does allocate memory for a variable.
Definition does allocate memory for a variable.

B) Declaration does allocate memory for a variable.
Definition does not allocate memory for a variable.

C) Declaration does not allocate memory for a variable.
Definition does allocate memory for a variable.

D) Declaration does not allocate memory for a variable.
Definition does not allocate memory for a variable.


16) Choose a right statement.

A) A non static global variable can not be used in included files.
B) A non static global variable can be used or referred to inside included files.
C) A non static global variable does not live till the end of program execution.
D) None of the above
D) 4, 6, 8


17) Choose a right statement.

A) Re-declaration of a variable is Ok.
B) Redefinition of a variable is not Ok.
C) Definition of a variable uses memory blocks.
D) All the above.


18) Choose a correct statement.

A) Register variables are usually fast retrieving variables.
B) Static variables are usually maintain their values between function calls.
C) Auto variables release their memory after the block or function where they are declared.
D) All the above.


19) Choose a right statement.

A) Variables of type auto are stored in Stack memory.
B) Variable of type Static are stored in Segmented Memory.
C) Variables of type register are stored in Micro Processor Memory.
D) All the above.


20) Choose a right statement.

A) Variables of type auto are initialized fresh for each block or function call.
B) Variables of type static are initialized only first time the block or function is called.
C) Variables of type register are initialized each time the block or function is executed.
D) All the above.


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